15th International EML Symposium Committees

Symposium Chairs

, Institute for Advanced Technology
, Royal Military Academy

International EML Symposium Committee
Dr. John P. Barber
Mr. David P. Bauer
Dr. Harry D. Fair
Dr. Thaddeus F. Gora
Mr. David Haugh
Dr. Keith Jamison
Dr. Richard Marshall
Dr. Ian R. McNab
Dr. Jerald V. Parker
Dr. Philip G. Rutberg
Dr. Gennady A. Shvetsov
Dr. Emil Spahn
Dr. Francis Stefani
Mr. Alexander Zielinski

Organizing Committee
Ms. Janet Monaco, IAT
Ms. Michelle Ramsey, IAT
Ms. Cheryl Rae, IAT {}

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We are at the threshold of a new era in the applications of electromagnetic launch technology.

Co-hosted by the Department of Weapon Systems and Ballistics of the Royal Military Academy and the Institute for Advanced Technology at The University of Texas at Austin under the co-sponsorship of the European Electromagnetic Launch Society (EEMLS), IEEE's Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society; and the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command’s Army Research Laboratory (ARL).

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