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Final Papers Due: April 29, 2002
Page Limit: 6 Pages

Congratulations on the acceptance of your paper for the 11th Symposium on Electromagnetic Launch Technology. Please carefully follow the instructions in the author kit to prepare your paper for publication in the January 2003 issue of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.

  • Author Kit{.PDF 27KB}
  • IEEE Copyright Transfer & Export Control Compliance Form{.PDF 68KB}
  • IEEE Author Return Form for Reprints{.PDF 93KB}
  • Author(s) Contact Information{.PDF 21KB}
  • IEEE Reference Format Samples{.PDF 39KB}
  • Poster Presentation Guidelines{.PDF 44KB}
  • IEEE's Information for Authors{.PDF 204KB}

Procedure for Preparing Final Paper in Electronic Format

Papers will be processed "electronically" by IEEE. Camera-ready papers are no longer accepted, therefore authors must prepare final, two-column versions of their papers using IEEE templates for Microsoft Word or LaTEX.

Microsoft Word Template
If you are using Microsoft Word, download IEEE's template: TRANSMAG.DOC.
(NOTE: To download the "TRANSMAG.DOC" file, right click the link {Windows} or Control+click the link {Macintosh} and choose "save target as" {Windows} or "save this link as" {Macintosh}).

LaTEX Template
If you are using LaTEX, download the electronic template and sample files from IEEE's web site at the IEEE transactions style files page .

Use the LaTEX files for formatting, but follow the instructions in TRANSMAG.DOC.

Carefully follow the instructions in the electronic template.

Do not worry about adjusting column lengths; IEEE will do the final formatting of your paper.

Page Limit: 6 Pages
Limit your paper to no more than six pages. The page limit will be strictly enforced. Do not adjust the font sizes specified in the template to squeeze more text into a limited number of pages.

Manuscript Receipt Date (Footnote, Page One)
Insert "January 14, 2002," as the manuscript receipt date.

Questions about your Paper?
Michelle Ramsey
Phone: 512-232-4451
FAX: 512-471-1379
Email: [email protected]