
Welcome to the 14th International EML Symposium

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Poster Presentations

Each poster is allotted a display area of 8 feet wide by 4 feet high.

* One or more of the authors must be present at the poster during the poster session.

* Poster presenters are limited to two poster presentations per session.

Posters may be pre-shipped before the symposium. Posters should arrive no later than June 10, 2008. The hotel may charge a nominal fee to receive your package.

Shipping address:

The Fairmont Empress
721 Government ST
Victoria, BC
V8W 1W5

Attention: Porter’s Desk
Hold for: ____________ (Guest)
Arrival Date:
Hotel Confirmation #:
Conference: 14th EML Symposium
Hotel phone #: 250-384-8111

A Customs Declaration Form must be attached to your package if it originates outside of Canada.

Materials to hang posters will be available.

The size of the poster materials should be easily read at a distance of a few feet. Small, poorly prepared graphs and tables require readers to stand close to the poster, blocking the view of your poster presentation from other attendees. The posting of pages of a paper is strongly discouraged. A few oversized graphs and tables with concise captions will better catch the attention of your viewer who can then be engaged in a more detailed discussion.

After the event, you will be able to take your poster with you.

The EML Symposium is not responsible for any posters left at the symposium site. Any poster that is remaining following the close of the Symposium will be discarded.


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Contact: Michelle Ramsey
Phone: 512-232-4451
Fax: 512-471-1379
Email: [email protected]


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